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Latest copy of the JFF Constitution within records of the RBSC


  • Latest copy of the JFF Constitution in records of the RBSC

    (Affiliated to the F.I.F.A. and CONCACAF)
    [The present Constitution was amended & adopted at an Extra-Ordinary Congress, August 11, 1990 at INSPORT, National Arena]

    In interpreting this Constitution and the Jamaica Football Federation Rules, Regulations and Standing Orders of the Congress the words:
    (a) “Federation” or “J.F.F.” means the Jamaica Football Federation.

    (b) “Congress” shall mean any meeting of the Federation.

    (c) “An Association” or “The Association” refers to “Parish Associations”.

    (d) A “Minor Association” is an association other than a Parish Association which is recognized as a necessary organization for the purpose of promoting football among clubs or bodies whose common interest transcends the boundaries of Parishes within the meaning of Parishes as defined by the J.F.F.

    (e) “Confederations” are groups of the Parish Associations set up by the J.F.F. to administer and organize football in a given geographic area.

    (f) “Parish” means the geo-political area so defined by Jamaican Law.

    (g) “Delegate” means a bona-fide representative of a Parish Association or Minor Association of the J.F.F. (h) The words “Corporate Area” refers to the Parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew which shall be regarded as one entity.

    (i) “Football Club” means an organization affiliated to a Parish Association and/or Minor Association.

    (j) “Officials” refer to Officers and Representatives of the J.F.F., Confederations, Parish Associations, Minor Associations, and Football Clubs or organizations affiliate to Parish Associations.

    (k) “Players” shall refer to individuals registered by Minor Associations and/or Football Clubs and organization with the J.F.F.

    (l) “Specialized groups and organizations” shall refer to those groups which provide support services to football, [examples – Referees, Coaches, Professional Players, Match Inspectors (Commissaries)]

    (m) “Match Officials” shall refer to the Referee, and Linesman officiating in a football match recognized by the J.F.F.

    (n) “Football League” shall refer to an independent organization set up by and/or recognized by the Federation to organize professional or semi-professional football in Jamaica; but subordinated to the Federation.

    Article 1
    (a) The Jamaica Football Federation shall consist of Confederations, Parish Associations and Minor Associations which are recognized by the said Federation, as the organizations which control football on behalf of J.F.F. in their respective areas.
    (b) The Confederations shall consist of Parish Associations recognized as organizations administering and promoting football in a Parish. Only one Parish Association shall be recognized in each Parish and the Corporate Area.
    (c) The Parish Associations shall recognize each other as the body exclusively controlling Football in their respective areas to the exclusion of all others.
    (d) The Headquarters of the JFF shall be determined by resolution of Congress.

    Article 2
    The principles and objectives of the Federation are:-
    (a) To promote and develop the game of Football in Jamaica in every way; and through the game of football, develop national pride, unity and culture.
    (b) To foster friendly relationships among peoples, especially among officials and players, both nationally and internationally by encouraging football matches at all levels – amateur, semi-professional, professional, - and in all other appropriate ways.
    (c) To improve standards and enhance the image of the game of football by taking such steps as shall be deemed necessary or advisable for preventing infringements of the Constitution and Regulations of the J.F.F., or of the Laws of the Game as laid down by the International Association of Football Federations [FIFA] and the International Football Association Board.
    (d) To foster and promote the playing of the game of football in accordance with proper methods and practices as outlined by FIFA; and to protect the game of football from all possible abuse.
    (e) To prevent racial, religious or political discrimination or distinction among player whether their status be amateur, semi-professional or professional.
    (f) To provide, by Regulations, or otherwise, the method of deciding and settling all differences and disputes that may arise at all levels in the football structure.
    (g) To ensure that all Confederations, Parish Associations, Minor Associations, Football Clubs and Organizations; Officials and Players, strictly adhere to these principles and objectives.

    Article 3 (a) Parish Associations of the J.F.F. shall be grouped into CONFEDERATIONS, which shall have the responsibility for the administering and promoting of football in a given geographic area. The J.F.F. Congress shall ratify and approve the groupings.
    (b) The Chairman of the Confederation shall be a Vice-President of the J.F.F.
    (c) The Confederation shall at all times fulfill the mandate of the J.F.F. as determined by the J.F.F. Congress, in its geographic area: generally co-ordinating and controlling the Parish Associations, Minor Associations, and Football Clubs and Organizations in its area, offering assistance in the development of football and its administration. (d) The Confederation can have Minor Associations as affiliates, in accordance with existing guidelines, Regulations and Constitution of the J.F.F.
    (e) The delegates to the J.F.F. Congress shall automatically be delegates to the general meetings of the Confederations.
    (f) The persons elected to the Executive Council of the J.F.F. from the Parish Associations and Minor Associations (where applicable), shall automatically be members of the Executive of their Confederation.
    (g) The J.F.F. shall have the power to remove the Executive of the Confederations if found guilty in extreme violation of the Constitution and/or decisions of the JFF and to appoint a Commission to oversee the business of the Confederation until elections are held for a new executive within ninety days.

    Minor Associations
    Article 5
    (a) Minor Associations have the right to organize football competitions for special age groups and/or institutions, in accordance with agreements made with the J.F.F.; and to receive such assistance as may be necessary to advance the objective of developing and promoting football within their jurisdiction.
    (b) Minor Associations have the right to be represented by Delegates to the Congress of the J.F.F.
    (c) Minor Associations, recognized directly by the J.F.F., have the right to representation on the Executive Council of the J.F.F.
    (d) Minor Associations shall pay to the J.F.F. an Annual Subscription in accordance with the number of groups or institutions it has affiliated to it or is a part of it.
    (e) The Minor Associations shall ensure that their obligations to the J.F.F., in particular, to ensure that their competition structure, and objectives conform to the objectives of the J.F.F. and the decisions of Congress.
    (f) Players of clubs or institutions affiliated to Minor Associations have the right to participate and be represented at the Parish, Confederation, or National level, providing they fulfill the criteria in existence for such selection and/or participation.

    Specialized Groups and Organizations
    Article 6
    (a) The J.F.F. shall recognize groups and organizations who offer specialized service to football and who assist in the development and promotion of football and the objectives of the J.F.F.
    (b) Specialized groups and organizations shall have an agreement with the J.F.F. which sets out the terms of the relationship.
    (c) Specialized groups and organizations shall be entitled to have Delegates to the JFF Congress.
    (d) Specialized groups and organizations interested in being formally classified as such shall fulfill the criteria for membership as set out in the Regulations of the JFF before being entitled to 6 (c)

    Article 7
    Congress may grant the title of Honorary Life Member to persons for meritorious service rendered to the Federation.

    Article 8
    (a) The Legislative, Executive, Management and Administrative Bodies of the J.F.F. shall respectively be: i) The Congress of Delegates ii) The Executive Council iii) The Managing Committee iv) The National Secretariat (b) Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Council to assist in its work, in accordance with the Constitution and Regulations of the J.F.F.

    Article 9
    (a) The Congress of Delegates is the Supreme governing body of the J.F.F., and shall be held every two years between the months of May and July. Each Congress shall fix the place and date of the next Congress.
    (b) The Congress of the J.F.F. shall be held in accordance with the Constitution and Regulation of the J.F.F.
    (c) The quorum for the Congress is one-third the number of Delegates entitled to attend.

    Extra-Ordinary Congress
    Article 10
    a) The Executive Council may, at any time, and must at the written request of one third of the Affiliates of the Federation – call an Extra-Ordinary Congress of the Federation.
    (b) Adequate notice, of a minimum fourteen (14) days prior to a meeting, with Agenda, Place, Date and Time for a Congress must be given to all Delegates of the Federation.

    Article 11
    (a) Delegates to the J.F.F. Congress must be bona-fide members of the Association or Organization the represent. (b) Each Parish Association shall be entitled to have a minimum of five (5) Delegates to the J.F.F. Congress, except the Corporate Area Association which shall have ten (10) Delegates.
    (c) Minor Associations recognized by the JFF shall be entitled to have two (2) Voting Delegates each, to the J.F.F. Congress.
    (d) Specialized Groups or Organizations shall be entitled to two (2) Voting Delegates each, to the J.F.F. Congress, providing the fulfill Article 6
    (d) (e) Delegates present and entitled to vote, shall decide all matters out to the vote.
    (f) No Delegate may represent more than one Association or Organization.
    (g) During their term of office, Members of the Executive Council will not be eligible to act as Delegates of their respective Association or Organization, but may vote or be re-elected at Congress.
    (h) The J.F.F. may grant Observer Status at the Congress to individuals, institutions or organizations.

    The President
    Article 12
    (a) The President of the J.F.F. shall be head of the organization and shall represent the Federation, being guided by the Constitution and Regulations, and the decisions of the governing bodies of the Federation.
    (b) The President shall preside at all meetings of Congress, Executive Council, and Managing Committee. During his absence the First Deputy President shall preside; if he is also absent, then the Second Deputy President; and then the Third Deputy President, thereafter in accordance with the order of seniority of Vice-Presidents.
    (c) Any Deputy President or Vice-President acting on behalf of the President in his absence shall assume full authority and responsibility of the Office of the President.
    (d) The President shall have a vote, when voting is equal, shall have a casting vote.

    Article 13
    (a) The Executive Council shall consist of – President, 1st Deputy President, 2nd Deputy President, 3rd Deputy President, Vice-Presidents – one each from each CONFEDERATION, General Secretary, Treasurer, one (1) representative from each Association except the KSAFA which shall have two (2), and one (1) representative from each Minor association directly recognized by the J.F.F.
    (b) The Officers – President, First Deputy President, Second Deputy President, Third Deputy President, General Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by Congress for a period of four years. They will be eligible for re-election.
    (c) The Officers – Vice Presidents, shall be elected by their respective CONFEDERATION for a period of two years. They will be eligible for reelection.
    (d) The Council Members from Parish associations must be elected at their Association’s General meetings for a period of two years.
    (e) Any member of the Executive Council can be recalled by two-thirds majority of the body that elected or appointed them; or by a no-confidence vote by three-quarters of the full Executive Council.
    (f) All members of the Executive Council can stand for re-election or re-appointment at the end of their term of office.

    Article 14
    (a) The Executive Council shall be responsible for guiding the work of the J.F.F. in between Congresses. It shall decide on all matters of policy in keeping with the decisions of Congress and the Constitution of the J.F.F.

    (b) The Executive Council may alter the Regulations of the J.F.F.
    (c) The Executive Council may appoint such Ad-Hoc Committee as they may consider desirable, with specific terms of reference for a given period of time.
    (d) The Executive Council may fill vacancies that occur due to resignation or death of any of the Officers.
    (e) The Executive Council may co-opt any person to act in an advisory capacity to the Committee but, a person so co-opt shall not have the right to vote at any meeting of the Executive Council.
    (f) The Executive Council shall appoint the standing Committee to comprise members of the Executive Council and/or other individuals.
    (g) The Executive Council may decide to create a special register of Jamaicans overseas and/or professional players whom do not belong to a local club and wish to represent a Parish, a Confederation or the National team. (h) The Executive Council may set up and/or recognize “Football League(s)”, to independently organize professional or semi-professional football league(s) in Jamaica.

    Article 15
    (a) The Executive Council shall meet at least once every three months. A quorum shall be fifty percent plus one of its existing members.
    (b) At the request of one-third of the Members of the Executive Council, the President must convene an Extra-Ordinary Meeting, within fourteen (14) days.
    (c) Members of the Executive council being absent for two (2) consecutive meetings, without submitting written reasons acceptable to the Executive council will automatically lose their seat.

    Article 16
    (a) Decisions and interpretations of the Executive Council shall be binding on all structures, bodies and affiliates at all levels until such Decisions or interpretations are rescinded or varied by vote of the majority present and voting at Congress. MANAGING COMMITTEE

    Article 17
    (a) The Managing Committee of the J.F.F. shall comprise all the Officers of the Federation.
    (b) The Managing Committee shall be responsible for the effective functioning of the J.F.F. and shall report to the Executive Committee.
    (c) The Managing Committee shall be responsible for the monitoring and the implementation of the decisions of Congress and the Executive Council.
    (d) The Executive Council may delegate some of its functions and responsibilities, for a given period of time, to the Managing Committee to ensure the smooth functioning of the J.F.F.
    (e) The Managing Committee shall present a comprehensive report on its work at each meeting of the Executive Council and shall be guided by the decisions of the Executive Council.

    The National Secretariat
    Article 18
    (a) The National Secretariat shall comprise all professional, technical and clerical staff of the J.F.F. at its Headquarters. It shall be the permanent administrative body of the Federation. (b) The National Secretariat shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the J.F.F. under the direct guidance of the Managing Committee. (c) The National Secretariat shall be responsible for the execution of decisions taken by the Executive Council and Managing Committee; the production of the Minutes of the meetings of Congress, Executive Council, Managing Committee, Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees; the correspondence of the Federation; relations among Affiliates, and the Confederations, Groups, Organizations and Committees. (d) The National Secretariat shall be headed by the General Secretary, who shall report to the Executive Council through the Managing Committee.
    (e) The National Secretariat shall be responsible for the day to day financial management of the J.F.F. under the guidance and direction of the Treasurer of the J.F.F. and Deputy President for Finance.
    (f) The National Secretariat shall provide the administrative and technical assistance to the Governing bodies and Standing Committees of the J.F.F.
    (g) The National Secretariat shall ensure that the J.F.F.’s effectiveness and efficiency are maintained at a high level, and that the governing bodies of the J.F.F. are timely informed of all major developments requiring attention and decision.

    Standing Committees
    Article 19
    (a) The Standing Committees of the Federation shall be:- (i) Finance and Fundraising Committee (ii) Complaints and Disciplinary Committee (iii) Referees Committee (iv) Technical Committee (v) Organizing Committee for Premier League (vi) Organizing Committee for Youth Football (vii) Organizing Committee for Women Football (viii) Medical Committee (ix) Security and Fair Play Committee (x) Publicity and Media Committee (xi) Organizing Committee for Competitions (xii) International Affairs Committee
    (b) The terms of reference of the Standing Committee shall be set out in the J.F.F. Regulations.
    (c) The Chairman, Deputy Chairman, size and composition of the Standing Committees shall be approved by the Executive Council upon recommendation of the Managing Committee, for a period of four years.
    (d) The Chairman of Standing Committees shall represent the respective Committee, see that its business is properly conducted, with the assistance of the National Secretariat, and ensure that regular reports are sent to the Executive Council through the National Secretariat of the J.F.F.
    (e) The Chairmen of Standing Committees shall be members of the Executive Council.

    Article 20
    (a) The Chairman of the Finance and Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for the overall financial and property matters of the Federation.
    (b) The financial period of the Federation shall be a period of one year beginning on 1 st April and ending on 31st March.
    (c) A current statement of Income and Expenditure shall be presented to the Executive Council at its normal meetings by the Treasurer, who shall be responsible for the J.F.F. accounts, ensuring that the funds of the J.F.F. are being disbursed in accordance with the Budget approved by the Executive Council, and that the book keeping of records and transactions meet with approved accounting and budgetary standards.
    (d) The Executive Council shall appoint Auditors to examine and certify the accounts for presentation to Congress.
    (e) All properties of the Federation may be owned legally on behalf of the Federation by the Jamaica Football Federation Limited, whose shareholders are the delegates to Congress and whose Directors shall be the Managing Committee of the J.F.F.
    (f) All Football Clubs or Organizations affiliated to Parish Associations, Minor Associations or Confederations which organize either directly or indirectly through a registered promoter, tournaments and or matches, either local or international shall pay to the J.F.F. a fee to be determined by the Managing Committee, to be used for football development; plus a cess of five percent (5%) of gross revenue [including sponsorship, gate, radio or television revenue from rights].
    (g) The fee, to be determined by the Executive Council, for staging of tournaments or special competitions by Parish Associations or Minor Associations shall be due, and paid annually. This fee is separate from the Annual Subscription.
    (h) The fee for staging local or international matches must be paid directly to the J.F.F. prior to any announcement; Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated cess must be paid seven (7) working days prior to the start of the event, unless the Managing Committee extends the deadline for a maximum of fourteen (14) days.
    (i) The Managing Committee may waive the cess but, it must be replaced by an additional fee, payable prior to the staging of the match or competition. The Managing Committee should ensure that the appropriate legal documents are drawn up to protect the Federation.

    Television & Radio Broadcast
    Article 21
    (a) The JFF and its Affiliates and Clubs are the owners of the exclusive rights for broadcasting and transmission by audio-visual and sound broadcasting media, live deferred or highlights, of football events played in Jamaica, in accordance with FIFA’s Statutes and Regulations.
    (b) The Executive Council shall approve a special Memorandum on Media Rights, setting out the procedure for authorizing transmission and the cost to cede the rights to third parties, and for enforcing this Article 21.

    Article 22
    (a) The disciplinary measures of the Federation are:- i. To caution ii. To censure iii. To fine iv. To suspend v. To expel
    (b) The Congress and the Executive Council may impose disciplinary measures on any structure, affiliate, group or officials, in accordance with this Constitution and/or the Regulations of the J.F.F. Specifically the Executive Council may charge and discipline, if found guilty, any player, club, Parish or Confederation Officials who unjustly criticizes and/or slanders the JFF.
    (c) The Complaints and Disciplinary Committee shall deal with protest or complaints and infringements against the Laws of Association Football and shall recommend which measure or combination of measures shall be imposed as per Constitution and Regulations of the JFF.
    (d) A Board of Appeals shall be set up by the Executive Council, comprising five (5) members. A quorum is three (3) members.
    (e) The Board of Appeal shall hear appeals lodged against decisions of the Complaints and Disciplinary Committee and other Committees which are not irrevocable according to the JFF Regulations. (f) The decisions of the Board of Appeal shall be irrevocable and binding on all parties concerned. (g) The function of the Board of Appeal and the procedure to be followed shall be contained in the JFF Regulations.

    Article 23
    (a) Parish Associations, Minor Associations and their Affiliates and/or Institutions and members shall not be permitted to bring before a Court of Justice, dispute(s) with the Federation or other Associations, Affiliates and/or Institutions or members, and must agree to submit any such dispute(s) to an Arbitration by common consent.
    (b) Nothing in Article 23 (a) must be interpreted as giving up the powers of the Federation, which is a voluntary organization(s) and therefore any organization(s) or individual(s) violating the provision of Article 23 (a) shall be automatically and immediately expelled from the JFF and its Affiliates.

    Article 24
    (a) The Congress alone has the right to alter or change the Constitution of the JFF.
    (b) In order to be able to obtain a decision on an alteration to the Rules, a Congress must have a quorum of at least half of the Affiliates of the JFF entitled to attend.
    (c) To be adopted, the alteration must receive the approval of three-fourths of the votes given by the delegates present and entitled to vote.

    Article 25
    (a) All matters not provided for under this Constitution or cases of ‘force majeure’ shall be settled by the Executive Council whose decisions shall be final, unless rescinded by the Congress of the JFF.
    (b) In case of dissolution of the Federation its funds shall not be distributed. They shall be transferred to the Accountant General of Jamaica which will invest them in gilt-edged securities until the re-establishment of the Federation.
    Last edited by Karl; March 8, 2023, 05:50 PM.
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