Eric Wynaldo & Co. with their fan talk. Eric has contacts so he gets current palyers to call in and so forth. I learnt that Cobi Jones dad is a scientist (a phd) from the 60s who encountered racism at the time of the civil rights movement. This was relevant has Eric's show had a black history month segment. The main thrust of Eric's black history participation was to encourage blacks into the sport of football/soccer. I saw where Eric had Jim Brown and the President of some soccer federation speaking.
Eric and friends can said a lot of things but the fundamental is this: Blacks play american football and basketball with a certain style and flair. Soccer is being presented to the young in the states from a Euro perspective. This Euro way (should say contemporary because they played more skill ball in the 50s and 60s) of playing is boring to most kids. Show them that soccer can be fun, show them the Brasilians with the Jogo bonito. An american brother had this to saw to me about Brasil: Jawge, I like the way they (Brasil) dress in their uniform, they play , thier style it's like how we play basketball Jawge. I think if american blacks get exposed to the Brasilian way; they will jump in the sport, but showing them that boring robotic way of running and putting ball in the back of the net, then jumping around saying " I won", will not win souls
They spoke aboutt the CL was on point about the gaols in the Manu match, they seem to accept rooney's first as top notch. Wow! Eric your feeling ma aah let me stop.
Eric and friends can said a lot of things but the fundamental is this: Blacks play american football and basketball with a certain style and flair. Soccer is being presented to the young in the states from a Euro perspective. This Euro way (should say contemporary because they played more skill ball in the 50s and 60s) of playing is boring to most kids. Show them that soccer can be fun, show them the Brasilians with the Jogo bonito. An american brother had this to saw to me about Brasil: Jawge, I like the way they (Brasil) dress in their uniform, they play , thier style it's like how we play basketball Jawge. I think if american blacks get exposed to the Brasilian way; they will jump in the sport, but showing them that boring robotic way of running and putting ball in the back of the net, then jumping around saying " I won", will not win souls

They spoke aboutt the CL was on point about the gaols in the Manu match, they seem to accept rooney's first as top notch. Wow! Eric your feeling ma aah let me stop.