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Loved and attacked, Balotelli divides

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  • Loved and attacked, Balotelli divides

    Loved and attacked, Balotelli divides. But he's not conquering (yet)

    Children here in Poland love Mario Balotelli. It must be the Premier League matches they see on television, or the child-like atmosphere, given all the students from elementary and middle school in Krakow present for training at the Municipal Stadium on Wednesday evening, who called his name from start to finish. It was quickly understood, once the Azzurri's flight landed in Krakow from Pisa, fresh from Coverciano: the children of the welcoming delegation at the airport all chanted his name: "Ma-rio, Ma-rio".

    Everyone is talking about Balotelli in regard to the national team. Except that Mario is not always so successful in receiving verbal accolades. And journalists aren't the only ones to knock him for his behaviour on and off the pitch. It comes from his team-mates as well, on a regular basis and in thinly veiled tones. The latest jab came from De Rossi at the Azzurri's camp. Then from Thiago Motta and Marchisio. Followed by the lecture from Prandelli.

    "Donovan was excellent. We knew he was a good player, but he really didn't do anything wrong in the whole game and made it difficult for us."
    - Xavi