...spelled out in SIMPLE terms that even an eedyat can understand. Not saying you'll get it tho'...in fact, I guarantee you will not get it.
"In the English game though “whatever is necessary” to win normally amounts to one thing. Spending. The amount invested into playing squads has, more or less, offered an accurate correlation to how successful a club will be..."
"FSG net spend on players in seven years - £163.985m, Average per year - £23.426m...net spending of key rivals since 2010/11:
Man City - £718.05m
Man United - £540.05m
Chelsea - £351.8m
Arsenal - £179.8m"
LFC needs to at least double their spending if they want to challenge (CONSISTENTLY) for the title. Leaving the Leicester City outlier aside, the top 3 net spenders are the ones winning the title. IT AIN'T THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT.

"In the English game though “whatever is necessary” to win normally amounts to one thing. Spending. The amount invested into playing squads has, more or less, offered an accurate correlation to how successful a club will be..."
"FSG net spend on players in seven years - £163.985m, Average per year - £23.426m...net spending of key rivals since 2010/11:
Man City - £718.05m
Man United - £540.05m
Chelsea - £351.8m
Arsenal - £179.8m"
LFC needs to at least double their spending if they want to challenge (CONSISTENTLY) for the title. Leaving the Leicester City outlier aside, the top 3 net spenders are the ones winning the title. IT AIN'T THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT.
