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Turning 4-0 to 3-2!!

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  • Stonigut
    Look on second goal again the crosser could have laid out a big picnic blanket and no Jamaican player would have been on the blanket much less to challenge the play.bthe man had time to hesitate, measure, look again and deliver a dart on the man head who was also untouched, that is plain lack of competing, shutdown the engines business.

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  • Stonigut
    Sassin: I still maintain the best team defense I ever seen JAMAICA play was MEX VS Jam at Azteca in 2013 I think. Total team defense and the most outstanding attacking player defense I have seen one Player execute on a Jamaican team or maybe any team. McAnuff was everywhere, he gave no Mexico player space to stash even asham paper when they were on the ball.

    With a totally disciplined approach (this is what we lack) with Jamaican speed, ruggedness and natural ball hoggishness we can build a defense first, attack weakness approach that is impossible to beat and come tournament time wins championships.

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  • Rockman
    Me outta ordah bredren, on that play, Lowe made two mistakes, he underestimated the accuracy of the person making the aerial cross, and he misjudged the needed proximity he has to be to the opponent in order for his height advantage to figure.

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  • HL
    [QUOTE=Sir X;599106]The second goal scored with 2 jamaican players standing by the man,the space was closed down,the reaction was poor.Like the 1st goal he had control of ball and space ,but lost posession.Sloppiness!.

    Lowe need to tek control of the defence.

    1. DUN TALK.[/

    Oh nooooooo…..say it aint true !!

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  • Sir X
    The second goal scored with 2 jamaican players standing by the man,the space was closed down,the reaction was poor.Like the 1st goal he had control of ball and space ,but lost posession.Sloppiness!.

    Lowe need to tek control of the defence.


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  • Assasin
    In the second half we were tracking back like mad ants (not good) instead of having a defensive shape. That is how the second goal scored, rather chasing the ball than having a shape and marking people.

    While there was some good things we have to see out 90 minutes in shape.

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  • Sir X
    Very much inline with my sentiments,if it was 3-0 , it would have been justified.

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  • Assasin
    Hector did a good job but when he was gone the midfield wasn't breaking up any play. Lowe had to step in midfield a little too much for my liking. Jamaica started to play gallery ball and was trying to score more and open up the gave as the midfielder stop playing in a defensive shape. You can just listen to Whitmore and he said it all.

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  • Sir X
    Read what,when,where ,and you are attributing a statement to Tappa with no supportive documentation, in other words heresay!

    Yuh nuh credible, it's your signature card.These statements are to support your position we were not closing down spaces.

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  • OJ
    Go read what Mr Whitmore said.

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  • Sir X
    So all of us who had differing opinions are wrong and you are right. Of note the opinions expressed are not totally incorrect,bits and pieces are accurate based on your opinion.

    You are a comedian.

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  • OJ
    I saw it and they were all wrong. well two are coaches the other is a manager.. First I would agree with what Tappa says and we both saw the same thing. Spied who I lost respect for when he joked going to Reno meant you had to feed the players 4 times showed his tribal mindset and he does not have what is best for Jamaican football. All he is doing is campaigning for Alex and Topey to be in the team for his own benefit. Any way back to facts he says honduras was the better team, I dont agree at no time was Honduras in control. I do agree with the coach from Vere that stated both wingbacks was out of position and was poor. But pressing was poor and Spied got that wrong as he pointed to a outside player going across the field to press where I come from that not good .. That is athleticism over tactical discipline... So for all I know Spied is an idiot to football.. Also he stated concacaff is no good in women football.. Last time I check U.S.A and Canada are in concacaff and they are 1 and 8 ranked I believe.. Again some man cant see pass palllisadoes so dont use them as reference.

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  • Sir X
    What are you saying they are clueless because they are local like the Rbyz coach and 99.9 % of the players,they lack the overseas behind the p.c forumite wisdom,just to be confrontational?

    That said Speid irked me,talking out of both sides of his mouth,he said we deserved the win but Honduras were the better team.

    You might have a point H.L

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  • HL
    Football GPS?

    A bet this is local commentary.

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  • Sir X
    Watch Football GPS,you have 3 coaches giving different opinions and not one said we didnt cut off the spaces.

    If only they understood it like you .Husssssh

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