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Cripple leader crippled nation, crippled in death.

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  • 1of1
    dem pnp garrison dem nuh so loyal, dem no response dem will nyam even dem own don food, dem deh can deal wid

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  • ReggaeMike
    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
    Who exactly would ask the GG to do this?

    Let us try to stay in the real world.
    Why? This is all surreal anyway. Like in one of those paintings. Might as well follow along.

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  • Jawge
    Boss you don't get it Trafigura and the cuban light bulbs pales to this fiasco. Boss if it was just taking funds from a corporation, no one would be asking for Bruce's resignation.

    Do you understand the concept of aiding and abetting a wanted person?

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  • Islandman
    Who exactly would ask the GG to do this?

    Let us try to stay in the real world.

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  • Don1
    Originally posted by ReggaeMike View Post
    "Quantity has a quality all its own" - Joseph Stalin (reputedly).

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  • ReggaeMike
    Originally posted by Don1 View Post
    wen yuh ah buy dry goods ah di hardadashry...whey yuh preffa? Quality or Quantity??
    "Quantity has a quality all its own" - Joseph Stalin (reputedly).

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  • Don1
    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
    3 times the number of garrisons, huh? could any of those PNP garrisons get away with the behaviour we have witnessed from the Mother of them all? could they, even working in unison, bring about the type of public mayhem we have seen over the last few days?

    you have garrison, and you have GARRISON!
    wen yuh ah buy dry goods ah di hardadashry...whey yuh preffa? Quality or Quantity??

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  • Karl
    Observer EDITORIAL: Step up and prevent the fire, Mr Golding

    Step up and prevent the fire, Mr Golding
    Friday, May 21, 2010

    var addthis_pub="jamaicaobserver";

    We refuse to believe that Prime Minister Bruce Golding has gone into hiding so soon after his swan song of remorse on Monday.

    Could it really be that all that talk about being sorry for his handling of the US' extradition request for Mr Christopher 'Dudus' Coke and wanting to fix the fallout meant nothing?
    Or is the prime minister keeping his powder dry pending the execution of some grand plan that will resolve the fiery crisis between Tivoli, the capital of his West Kingston garrison, and the law-abiding among us?

    If the latter's the case, surely the political beast in him must recognise the prudence of coming forward to dispel any notion that he couldn't give two hoots about the growing tension in that community and the fact that Mr Coke appears to be hunkering down for a fight.

    This is, after all, day four of the stand-off between the police and residents of Tivoli who say they are prepared to forfeit their lives in the name of shielding Mr Coke from the authorities.

    How much longer before the ultimate showdown?

    As things stand now, it's do or die for the prime minister's political future.
    Another display of dithering on his part will completely erode whatever confidence the more tolerant among us have placed in him since his apology on Monday.

    That Mr Golding is in desperate need of good guidance and advice is obvious to us. For if he was privy to sound advice, he would never have allowed himself to be bamboozled into believing that his alliance with Mr Coke could have a happy ending.

    Neither would he have thought it appropriate to signal to Mr Coke and his supporters in West Kingston the Government's intention to green-light the extradition process.

    But all of that's water under the bridge now.

    The hell fire that is threatening to toast so many in Tivoli will also burn the entire country if Mr Golding fails to intervene and prevent the first spark.

    Already there is talk of criminal elements capturing -- or as it may well turn out, formalising their links with -- the State to the detriment of those of us who can and are still able to articulate the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

    Up to a few months ago we would have dismissed such talk as mischievous and far-fetched.

    We dare not now.


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  • ReggaeMike
    Originally posted by Willi View Post
    I tend to agree.

    The only option is the one I posted 3 years ago and he delayed carrying out.

    Look at the calculus. Say JLP has 3 garrisons and PNP has 9 or 10, this means that PNP has a natural built-in seat count advantage of 6 or 7 regardless of overall voter tendencies. This does NOT suit the JLP and they should have made dismantling the garrisons as a major, if not their major objective in THIS term (the only one they are guaranteed). This would redound to their own selfish benefit in the years to come and would also help Jamdung tremendously too.

    Now, what I proposed 3 years ago is for Bruce to smash Tivoli first, as only the JLP can legitimately smash it and then they could turn to Jungle, etc unopposed. they would have the backing of John Public. However, no one will buy them trying to smash PNP garrisons while Tivoli remains unscathed. That would be impolitic.

    So in summary, now Bruce has the excuse that he did what he could for Tivoli (where he is not well liked anyway) and now he can play the card that he is working in the National interest when he goes to clean up Tivoli with the army. He would then have to do the same for Jungle and Maxfiled, etc to show balance. That is the stick. The carrot is that he will have to get some Chinese Money to relocate people and give them starter houses at least 20 miles away from downtown (that land is needed for industrial purposes anyway).

    Do you realize that Kingston is full of ghettos located in potentially the MOST valuable lands in Jamaica?? Tivoli, Greenwich Farm, Tinson Pen, Riverton, Seaview...these are PRIME locations. In 5 years time you will understand if you dont now.
    How about just asking the Governor-General to exercise his reserve powers and dissolve parliament and constitute an interim government of a couple years which would fully investigate Trafigura, Kern's Lightbulbs, Dudus and MPP while giving full support to the army and police to apprehend wanted men in the garrisons?

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  • Karl
    Originally posted by ReggaeMike View Post
    Lawd Karl, beg you come again wid that statement because Bruce seh from long time "not in my cabinet!".

    Originally Posted by Karl
    If he does not resign that is his other option. He cannot continue to hide...just cannot lead when you are alone in a closet!

    Lawd Karl, beg you come again wid that statement because Bruce seh from long time "not in my cabinet!".

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  • ReggaeMike
    Originally posted by Karl View Post
    If he does not resign that is his other option. He cannot continue to hide...just cannot lead when you are alone in a closet!
    Lawd Karl, beg you come again wid that statement because Bruce seh from long time "not in my cabinet!".

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  • Karl
    Originally posted by Willi View Post
    Why on earth would he call an election?

    I never understood this naive argument. Politicians just dont think that way.
    If he does not resign that is his other option. He cannot continue to hide...just cannot lead when you are alone in a closet!

    'Memba wen wi di suh-mall an a play hide-n-seek?

    Wen wi waus a hide -
    ...no movement! ...no sound! ...no other means of communication!
    Well dats Likle Brucie at this time...doing di hide part!

    Sorta difficult fi lead innah dat mode! Rite?

    btw - The seeker dem a seek paper an electronic trail + money trail...haul connected tuh di Dudus extradition matter!!! Dem wi drag Likle Brucie outta im hole lata!

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  • Mosiah
    Originally posted by Willi View Post
    How would a PNP Govt deal with this situation??? Remember, they would be taking on Tivoli and their PNP garrison allies. At the same time PNP has 3 times the number of garrisons of their own to deal with. They would be subject to the same pitfalls as the Labs and maybe even worse. Also, the new consciousness in the popn. would demand that ALL garrisons go, so I could not envy their position.

    Go read the Espeut article I just posted.

    PNP in the same boat. All now we nuh have the truth from the $31m from Trafigura, a company that is killing newborn African babies as we speak.

    NONE A DEM HAND NUH CLEAN! That is the alpha trap Jamaica finds itself in.
    3 times the number of garrisons, huh? could any of those PNP garrisons get away with the behaviour we have witnessed from the Mother of them all? could they, even working in unison, bring about the type of public mayhem we have seen over the last few days?

    you have garrison, and you have GARRISON!

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  • Willi
    I tend to agree.

    The only option is the one I posted 3 years ago and he delayed carrying out.

    Look at the calculus. Say JLP has 3 garrisons and PNP has 9 or 10, this means that PNP has a natural built-in seat count advantage of 6 or 7 regardless of overall voter tendencies. This does NOT suit the JLP and they should have made dismantling the garrisons as a major, if not their major objective in THIS term (the only one they are guaranteed). This would redound to their own selfish benefit in the years to come and would also help Jamdung tremendously too.

    Now, what I proposed 3 years ago is for Bruce to smash Tivoli first, as only the JLP can legitimately smash it and then they could turn to Jungle, etc unopposed. they would have the backing of John Public. However, no one will buy them trying to smash PNP garrisons while Tivoli remains unscathed. That would be impolitic.

    So in summary, now Bruce has the excuse that he did what he could for Tivoli (where he is not well liked anyway) and now he can play the card that he is working in the National interest when he goes to clean up Tivoli with the army. He would then have to do the same for Jungle and Maxfiled, etc to show balance. That is the stick. The carrot is that he will have to get some Chinese Money to relocate people and give them starter houses at least 20 miles away from downtown (that land is needed for industrial purposes anyway).

    Do you realize that Kingston is full of ghettos located in potentially the MOST valuable lands in Jamaica?? Tivoli, Greenwich Farm, Tinson Pen, Riverton, Seaview...these are PRIME locations. In 5 years time you will understand if you dont now.

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  • Sir X
    Not saying he would call one , not saying the PNP would deal with it any better, what I am saying is he is crippled and those are his options.

    Its looks bleak, lose , lose situation, a rudderless , crippled nation.

    What are his options that you see ?
    Last edited by Sir X; May 21, 2010, 06:53 AM.

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