I read with dismay my colleague Hubert Lawrence’s column in last Thursday’s Gleaner highlighting that for the second year running, the Milo Western Relays would be held at the G.C. Foster College in St Catherine instead of at its customary home at the Montego Bay Sports Complex because the track at Catherine Hall is in need of major repairs.

It is bordering on a national disgrace that the only synthetic running track in the entire western section of the island, a government-owned facility, has been allowed to disintegrate to this level of disrepair. The imbalance is indeed startling between the single, rotting track in Montego Bay and the seven synthetic running tracks located in the relatively narrow geographical area of the Corporate Area and St Catherine. There are two at the Independence Park complex, one at the University of the West Indies, one each at Calabar High School, Kingston College, and at Jamaica College, with the remnants of another facility nestled in the hills of Sligoville.
