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New Kid Trying Out For My Team

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  • New Kid Trying Out For My Team

    Massive, a kid came to try out for my team yesterday. His skills are on par with or a little better than my boys' but he has no speed (he could only beat my slowest player). I could use him to make up numbers since we're now going from 8 v 8 to 11 v 11. What do you think?

  • #2
    Sounds like he is no worse than your "worst" player so if you need numbers take him on. How you use him depends on:
    1. what position you need him in/where he plays
    2. who your opposition is
    3. his attitude

    I coach my son's school's U10/U12 team and one of our solidest defenders (plays in the middle) is not gifted with any speed but he is like the energizer bunny in terms of effort and is always in position. Can't argue with that.
    Peter R


    • #3
      Thanks for that Peter R. I am going to try to watch him in a scrimmage next week to see how he does. I like what you stated though PR.


      • #4
        Drop your son and sign this kid up. Riquelme is a slow player too

