I could go on that site and attribute a quote to Shankly he didnt make ,Just sign up...lol.
Like I said, you can't prove he didn't say it - so wheel an' tun. And what about that saying is at odds with the LFC Way? It's "ambiguity"?? LOL!!!! Klown. Find your a$$ back at City an leave fi mi good club. Dyam wagonist. If you really want to see proof of wagonism - click here: http://tinyurl.com/q6loj45
And if you are on about me being some kind of anit-LFC supporter () then you at least should put forward credible proof...not your tripe. You will probably find it easier to prove that Jesus is the Devil, or that your Quadrilateral is a circle. But seeing that proof and credibility are not your strong suits, all I can do is wish you good luck!!
Enjoy your lonely walk alone
Assuming, and that's not always a good thing to do, but for your pitiful sake (cah mi is a pompous @$$), that Shankly did not say it, the phenomenon of attributing quotes to eminently quotable people is not an uncommon one throughout history... and many of them MIRROR correctly the sentiment and ideals of the person quoted, whether the person did in fact utter, or not utter the words attributed to them.
Who knows where quotes originate from, if not directly from the one who is supposed to have uttered it. The quote attributed to Shankly as I understand it is, "If you don't support us when we lose OR DRAW, don't support us when we win". You have YET TO ANSWER with a simple yes or no, with explanations if you wish, whether Bill Shankly would have agreed with the sentiment or not... yeah, you gave a half a$$ed attempt at an answer but as usual, there is so much spin in there, mi confuse you wid a guava tree gig.
Here are a few quotes that according to this site have been incorrectly attributed to the speaker, but somehow universally accepted as being said by them. I know you are not well RED, so I will understand if you've never heard nor seen any one of them. And if you are honest you will tell the board, how many you knew, where you heard it first and knew they were NOT said by the speaker. Good luck! http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/mark...famous-people/
OK Duppy , can you prove it wasnt said by Sir Alex ?,pretty sure you have enough of the Man U ,Chelsea , etc that believe in the essence of it too......In journalism proof is done be academic reference .Thats all I need...Duppy.Thats your problem the Sir Alex of his time Shanks ,followed by the liverpool echo,which was around at the time ,plus other media outlets BBC,Times,Telegraph etc cant find the source of the quote to give it its credit,most of all Shankly.But you did !
and I am a Klown....lol....one thing is certain you are an unapologetic liad, a 5th columnist ,a poor debater,poor asseser, a loooser,which speaks to your character .That hasnt a card but to personally attack me for pointing out your fallacy in suppporting BR on the premise of a false narrative, that the owners can do with the clubs as they please and supporters should support a manager irrespective of his short coming.
As I said, you can't prove a negative, so try as you may, while there may be no definitive evidence that he DID say it, you will NEVER be able to prove he DIDN'T say it. Me ago start call you "Scientist". So wheel an' tun. Keep your anti-LFC sentiment to yourself, or better yet, take your anti-LFC filth columnist stench and stop nas'y up di place. YOU not me, not Peter, not Mo, not Courtney, not the 90%, no one from TIA, no one from Empire-of-the-Kop, no one from any LFC forum, blog, newspaper, or elsewhere were the one that RAN TO CITY. The faithful will never forget:
You, are the turncoat. Now you a post Chelsea chune dem - wtf!!??? Your natural wagnistic ways will forever xpose you. You will forever walk alone.
OK Duppy , can you prove it wasnt said by Sir Alex ?,pretty sure you have enough of the Man U ,Chelsea , etc that believe in the essence of it too......In journalism proof is done be academic reference .Thats all I need...Duppy.Thats your problem the Sir Alex of his time Shanks ,followed by the liverpool echo,which was around at the time ,plus other media outlets BBC,Times,Telegraph etc cant find the source of the quote to give it its credit,most of all Shankly.But you did !
and I am a Klown....lol....one thing is certain you are an unapologetic liad, a 5th columnist ,a poor debater,poor asseser, a loooser,which speaks to your character .That hasnt a card but to personally attack me for pointing out your fallacy in suppporting BR on the premise of a false narrative, that the owners can do with the club as they please and supporters should support a manager irrespective of his short coming.Disregarding the supporters and the clubs historical ambition.
* Where did you get it from ?
* Are you the man u fan with the twitter account ?
* Why are you attributing it to Shankly ?
* Are you disowning it now
As a Duppy said because there isnt no proof you didnt post it ,that doesnt mean you didnt post it.
And you bring Chelsea chune to the forum. LOL!! Klown if the quote is attributed to Shankly - can you PROVE he didn't say it? If you can, you will be the first in history to prove a negative. There are enough of the LFC faithful who believe in the essence of the quote - only a loser like you would be at odds with it...after all...it is ambigous! LOL!! Frigging klown. So you deh ah Chelsea now? Wha' happen, you feel seh dem ago hire Rafa after Real Madrid sack him? LOL!!! Woooooooiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee...WAGONISM TO THE WERL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redmen Designs @RedmenDesigns 1 Feb 2014
“@MufcDevilUpdate: Sir Alex Ferguson: "If you can't support us when we lose, don't support us when we win". #MUFC #MANUTD”LOL A SHANKS QUOTE
Not unusual for a turncoat to try to tear up our history. Nice try. Now you are supporting Manu**'s claim to a quote we made famous. Typical! LOL!!! Now you a draw pon Chelsea chune...manu** twitter...what's next? Real Madrid facebook? LOL - this is the only thing I need: https://youtu.be/5iLL57puZPM?t=248
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