If that is what tickles you, maybe you should schedule some games against high school kids.
While you were busy with the slide and swing, we were in the ring slugging it out with our weight group.
problem is we're in a weight class of our own...liverfool claim they were in that class until we pimped slapped them back where they belong with the rest of you pretenders...yuh can duke it out amongst yourselves for the best losers trophy
Some title defense, your pride and joy is etching out a victory at home game against The Rats by the smallest of margins.
By the looks of it, your wings have already been clipped, the useless beak is the next thing to go.
Last edited by Rockman; January 26, 2019, 05:08 PM.
Add delusional to that extensive list, or is it that the EPL came into existence only a handful of years ago?
You do know that your team is currently second..., and it has been that way for awhile now.
Darn, it is past 7pm, I should have bought a lottery ticket and in so doing,I would be in the runnings to win millions.
We have won the FA Cup faaaar more than your fly by night team did, and where as we have actually lift the CL trophy, you have never had that pleasure.
That leaves two trophies, regarding the EPL,you are in second spot therefore...., and could the other trophy be the one you previously discounted?
You are truly desperate.
You just can't see beyond your nose, winning a trophy this season is secondary,our intent is to ready ourselves to win everything next season.
There are a few things you are missing, prior to OGS becoming the interim manager, it appeared our players were lacking in quality, in hindsight, we know that is not the case.Your problem stems largely from not being current.
You would be in a faaaar better position if Pepto's record regarding game results was identical to OGS' during the period in question.
Maybe you should refrain from being purely impulsive.
Parity will be restored, OGS appears to be a perfect fit for Man U, but then you are quite aware of it, hence your desperate campaign of attempting to speak things into existence has begun.
What blabbering City fans do not see is Man U finishing outside the top four means at least three other clubs would have won it, how will your club fare when we find our correct footing?
Two sides of the coin, we have a history probably useful for reference, and you guys have ZERO history.