Western teams looking good for daCosta Cup

PAUL A REID, Observer writer

Saturday, September 09, 2006

MONTEGO BAY - Zone A of the daCosta Cup competition this year should come down to a three-way fight between many-time champions Cornwall College, two-time winners Herbert Morrison and a resurgent St James High.

Maldon are not expected to be serious contenders yet, while William Knibb could pull the odd surprise here and there, but are not expected to challenge the top three.

After just edging Anchovy and St James High by a point last year to take second place in the group, Herbert Morrison are expected to return to the Inter-zone round this season.

Team manager Nodley Wright said the bulk of the team started training late and could struggle at the start of the season. By the return round, however, they should have found some fitness and will be a factor.

At least five starters from last year's team are back this season and will add depth to the Clifton Kellier-coached team.

Despite losing a number of their top players, including former national Under-17 captain Omroy Wilson, who was killed in a car crash in May and Francois Anderson and Andre Lee who both chose to forgo another season and take up scholarships overseas, the Cornwall team is expected to challenge for a place in the Inter-zone round.

Coach Dr Dean Weatherly points to the experience of the players who will be returning and says rebuilding is not in his vocabulary, as he will work with what he has.

Richard Edmundson who led the Cornwall team in scoring last season, along with Cedric Daley, the skillful Edward Campbell Jr and Nakia Atkinson will be a handful for the Zone A defenders.

For the first time in five seasons Tedroy Watson will not be in the Cornwall goal and coach Dr Weatherly is still to decide between Kavoy Barnes and David Watson.

Whoever gets the nod will have the security of the sturdy Ravel Grey and team captain Yasheema Love playing infront of him.

St James High have been creating waves in the pre-season, but unlike last season when they played both the St James Under-20 and the Division Two leagues, the team is taking a different approach this year to ensure they can last the entire season.

They have not played in either of the competition s and have been restricting their build-up to playing practice matches against other school teams.

Only the title will be good enough, says Frome's Nicholson

Former winners Frome Technical High have just one focus this year, winning the daCosta Cup for a second time.

Coach Boysie Nicholson did not even bother wasting time with the usual platitude about taking each round step by step and came out and said given the experience in his team, only the title will be good enough.

Frome who won in 2003 and were beaten finalists in 2004 have been drawn along with Anchovy High, former champions Rusea's High, Cambridge High and Knockalva Technical in Zone B.

Nicholson said they have retained seven players from the squad that lost to Glenmuir in the final in 2004 and should easily get past the quarter-finals where they were stopped last year.

Among those returning to the Frome team this season are Delano Rankine, Sedane McCreath, former national Under-17 player Oraine Woodbine, Paul Graham and Rohan Watson.

Rusea's coach Anthony 'Follies' Williams took a more cautious approach in his predictions and told Sporting World that his team should return to the Inter-zone round for the first time in three seasons.

After a "fairly decent" pre-season, Williams said that come Wednesday when their season opens away to Cambridge High, they should have their full team assembled.

They had to do without national Under-17 player Damaine Thompson for most of the pre-season as he was away with the national team.

Thompson, Williams said, can play several positions, but has an affinity for the defensive side of the ball.

Anchovy's coach Ainsworth Fr