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CG stands firm on Air Jamaica report

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  • CG stands firm on Air Jamaica report

    The contrator general Greg Christie is standing by the statements in his report following a probe into the divestment of Air Jamaica's London Heathrow slots.

    He is promising that the Office of the Contractor General (OCG) will be releasing more incriminating evidence against the former finance minister Dr Omar Davies and former Air Jamaica chairman O.K Melhado.

    The contractor general in his report which was released earlier this month, claimed that Dr Davies acted illegal and inappropriately in the sale of the slots.

    He also called into question the actions of Mr Melhado, in the deal, which was agreed on in May 2007.

    Since the Contractor General released his report there have been sharp criticisms by Dr Davies and Mr Melhado.

    However in a statement released to the media, the contractor general has made it clear that he will not back down from his conclusions.

    He says his office stands firmly and unconditionally behind every word of its findings, conclusions, recommendations and referrals set out in the report.

    Mr Christie reported that the OCG has abundant unimpeachable documentary and sworn written evidence to fully support and defend its stated position.

    He says the OCG will soon release three letters, dated April 23, 2007, written by Dr. Davies to Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and O.K. Melhado.

    According to Mr Christie, these letters were the pivotal documents that influenced or directed the divestment of the Heathrow Slots to Virgin.

    The Heathrow slots were sold to Virgin Atlantic for 5.1 million pounds or US$10.2 million.

    There are claims that more could have been earned for the slots, but the contractor general could not so conclude.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)