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destabilization 101 in progress

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  • destabilization 101 in progress


    but as usual we are so fixated on the distraction in front of us we don't ask the questions of how in the world Jamaica get flooded with so many guns from US controlled Haiti?

    where up to little youths have AK-47?

    That is the question to be asked but of course its hard to do so when we are being manipulated into thinking this is a gang thing when it extends to the top and beyond.

    When Dudus leaves will the system be the same? Or as long as tourists come to Jamaica then its all okay?

    How come a nation with so many churches and who claim to follow christ can't sit adn say to themselves okay this is enough we need to love our children?

    they call us animals but please this is a insult to the animals as at least they protect their young.

    everyone is forgetting that McMilliam came in to work and the same government got rid of him and our so called friends in north America turned a blind eyes to years of this corruption, child trafficking and killing so now my question is when these politicians run to the US will the USA then Harbor these "terrorist" accused of crimes against Humanity?

    because if our children don't qualify as "humanity" then we gone into the realm of animals?

    Righteousness exalts a nation

    time fi a cleanse.

  • #2
    Shatta! I don't want to hijack your thread or anything but I just wanted to say hello breds. Wish you were around to post more but we'll take it as we get it. Hope you and the family are doing well! - T.K.
    No need to thank me forumites.

