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Idiot comment of the year!

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  • #31
    The problem is they're paying lip service to the concept... I'm NOT convinced that we are anywhere near the best eleven and it is simplistic to believe that by discarding some of the "best players" without nary a thought is going to put Windies on a winning track.

    I fully expect us to get a buss ass in the Tests... we have a chance in the shorter games to compete and barely that, even if Gayle is included. It is sad that i say this but it wouldn't surprise me to see Gayle fail as the vibe against him is, and WILL BE negative negative negative from the top to bottom of WICB admin and captaincy... ( I hope to to be gladly proven wrong) we see what he can do when he is on TEAMS that appreciate his ability... I'm not sure that the small-minded small islanders have a clue about how to handle /appreciate Gayle.
    Last edited by Peter R; May 10, 2012, 05:34 PM.
    Peter R


    • #32
      Peter-R..you can take the donkey to the water but you can't let him drink...
      Tried to let him know that there are so many variables, so many permutations that even the "best' label is subjective and requires more than a simplistic linear equation....AND the CONTEXT of the statement must be taken into consideration...these are same people who were forcing Chanderpaul to retire and he is now ranked as the #1 batsman in Test cricket!!!!
      It's like flogging a dead horse....


      • #33
        lol ! woiee !

        Is where yuh si Linear equation baba ?

        Is two function wid one hequal sign.

        My suggestion is you accept the point and move on... it nah guh kill yuh.

        Once again too much yapping and not enough listening in your part.. read wheh mi seh and comprehend before yuh begin di attack..


        • #34
          Not attacking you at all...just CORRECTING you..but then cricket is not your game....stick to...btw yu have any game?


          • #35
            yuh mean yuh TINK yuh correcting mi.. all now yuh clearly ah mek up yuh owna tings... maybe yuh ah karreck yuhself..

            "Linear Equation"

            all now yuh nuh show mi where yuh si dat...

            Spend less energy trying to correct your professors and more time learning from dem..


            • #36
              whe yu call dis???

              Originally posted by Muadib View Post
              Best 11 = 11 Best Players

              True or False ?

              No mek me laugh...


              • #37
                what you call it ?

                Linear equation ?

                lol ! woiee !

                Why yuh nevah penny dis... cyaan get nuh clearer..

                <Two functions can only be stated as equal if they equation for all instances.

                Function 1: MaxOuputBest11
                Function 2: maxOutput11Best

                X domain = Cricket Teams

                MaxOutputBest11(x) = MaxOutput11Best(x) is therefore False

                In team sports the Whole(Best 11) is not automatically equal to the sum of the parts.


                Now yuh getting disingenuous.. last resort..


                • #38
                  Yu tinkering now...gwaan change yu stripes....


                  • #39
                    lol.. mi ah break it dung fi si if it can penetrate yuh cranium...

                    yuh head well tough doh..

