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Critical Thinking is a beautiful thing

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  • Critical Thinking is a beautiful thing

    it is amazing how clear things can become when one sheds the things that impair disspassionate analysis. A man like Jawge needs therapy to remove the blockage, then and only then can responsible critical thinking occur. Not sure what cleared up the blockage Wignall had but better late than never..


    The reader believes that '.the PNP is the one party mostly with poor people at heart'.<P class=StoryText align=justify>If we go by Statin, the Government's research body, significant declines in poverty have taken place under this administration. I will not bother to quote the numbers, except to say that Statin is the same body which tells us that our literacy rate is approaching 90 per cent. All this when over 75 per cent of all persons 15 years and over have never passed a SINGLE exam.<P class=StoryText align=justify>It is possible that research into the political period of the 1970s can show that fine line where Michael Manley's attempt to redress the social balance stopped and his horrible economic management of the country began. Whatever it may show, one thing is certain. In the early 1970s every other poor and socially concerned Jamaican wanted to give the messianic Manley a chance.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Whether Manley was destabilised by the JLP and outside interests or whether he allowed too many pseudo-socialists too much room to manoeuvre in and around the Government and the PNP, one thing is certain. Under Manley's watch, 25 per cent of the economy had been whittled away in pursuit of giving Manley a chance.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Indeed, the first time I voted in this country I placed an X for the PNP in December 1976. By April 1977 when public information indicated that the PNP Government had lied to the nation about the true state of the economy, my support for the PNP ended right there. To me, once a 'trusted' politician lies, he or she can be given no more 'chances'.
    In the months leading up the March 1993 general elections, not many political pundits thought that the PNP's PJ Patterson would stand a ghost of a chance against the JLP's Eddie Seaga. Loved mostly by his family members, die-hard JLP supporters and a closed-group set of Labourites in the inner sanctum of the party, Seaga was a shy workaholic who understood that he was not liked nationally.
    <P class=StoryText align=justify>Political watchers knew that of all the politicians in Jamaica, Seaga was the most detested, often for reasons based on rumour but mostly because he was cold and autocratic. He more than any other politician would need the 'chance' factor if he wanted to taste the power he had between 1980 and 1989.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Years prior to the 1993 general elections (1986 to 1989) the Seaga-led JLP had begun to reverse the economic mess of the 1970s with growth rates of 6 per cent annually. In the latter part of his run, the country was devastated by Hurricane Gilbert (September 1988) and in the month following, this country witnessed what real political leadership was all about.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Love him or hate him, Seaga's leadership and management of crisis in the post-Gilbert days set the stage for Jamaica's relatively speedy recovery from the ravages of that killer storm. Yet five months later Jamaica (myself included) decided that it had had enough of him. We said, 'You came and fixed the mess you saw. We appreciate it but guess what, we never liked you, so leave now'.<P class=StoryText align=justify>[i]I would never declare that the Seaga regime of the 1980s had got it all right by 1989. No such thing. But based on where the country was at the end of the Manley regime in October 1980 and where Se

  • #2
    RE: Critical Thinking is a beautiful thing

    and mark's words are gospel now

    (akin to law itself) Ben maybe both you and Mark could answer this question: Why is it that only the JLP can do any good for Ja? You speak of crtical thinking? My question could not stand up to anymathematical rigour. The mere fact both Mark and yourself are implying that the JLP is the only solution to Ja proves that you guys are court jesters.


    • #3
      RE: Critical Thinking is a beautiful thing

      Since 1972, the PNP has enjoyed 26 years of power.

      Based on where we are now, we certainly know whoisNOT the solution.

      Oh wait.. I forgot.. Garbage Trucks and Fedex man..

      I understand nowwho the "more cyar, gyal and cellphone" speech was written for.

      Jawge, the KING of Jesters.

