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Did these politicians met Reggaeboyzsc.com half way?

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  • Did these politicians met Reggaeboyzsc.com half way?

    Looks like someone 'agrees' with Mosiah that the daily expense of SUV is too much but wait they bought a Benz instead of a Camry. Which is better, a benz with 3 years of free service or a Camry?

    Eyebrows raised over Stanberry's Benz

    Published: Sunday | August 26, 2012 30 Comments

    The 2012 Mercedes-Benz bought for permanent secretary in the agriculture ministry, Donovan Stanberry. Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer

    Donovan Stanberry, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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    Mark Titus, Sunday Gleaner WriterFirst it was his jacket, now it is his car. Donovan Stanberry, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, has once again raised many eyebrows and set tongues wagging since the arrival of his spanking new 2012 Mercedes-[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Benz[/COLOR][/COLOR].
    Stanberry, who is on vacation leave, told The Sunday Gleaner that the order for the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]vehicle[/COLOR][/COLOR] was made last September under the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) administration, but the vehicle was not delivered until January 5, this year.
    According to Stanberry, the deal makes economic sense, as the price of the vehicle was below the limit allowed for ministers and permanent secretaries, which was increased from US$25,000 (J$2.1 million) to US$35,000 (J$3.04 million) in April of last year.
    "The [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]practicality[/COLOR][/COLOR] and economics of it show that there is no need for me to be driving a six-cylinder [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]SUV[/COLOR][/COLOR] around town, when a car can do the job," said Stanberry.
    "I cannot provide what the exact value is at this time, but based on my entitlement, I purchased the most efficient vehicle within the value range allowed.
    "I also considered reliability, longevity and the additional attraction of three years' free servicing, and, in fact, it is cheaper than the top-range [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]SUVs[/COLOR][/COLOR] around," said Stanberry.
    His new wheels is a C-Class Mercedes-Benz with an elegance package and a current price tag of $6.3 million at Silver Star Motors Limited, the local authorised dealer. However, Stanberry would have benefited from duty concessions and other allowances, which would see the cost lowered.
    But that has not satisfied JLP spokesman on information, Arthur Williams, who has challenged the purchase.
    "As far as I am aware, at any given time, there is a fleet of vehicles at the ministry that the permanent secretary could make use of, instead of making such a purchase at this time," said Williams, former minister of state in the Ministry of Finance.
    When challenged with the claim that the vehicle was ordered when his party formed the Government, Williams argued that it is the permanent secretary in each ministry who decides on how the money is spent.
    "If as a minister I need a vehicle, I would have to ask the permanent secretary. If he said no then it is no. He is the administrator; he makes the decisions."
    The agriculture ministry reportedly has a fleet of 15 vehicles available for the use of its officials.
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    I haven't even read the story yet, but I feel convinced and confident enough to know that this is ridiculous! Is Jamaica wi talking bout!!! If we saw this pic of a Haitian or Sierra Leonian minister standing beside his Benz we would all laff and say how stupid they were!

    Well, why aren't we doing the same for our MPs? The country cannot afford it, and we should never be acting as if we can!

    As for this talk about MPs lowering their standards of living when they get elected - did anyone hold a gun to their heads?!? When lawyers and medical doctors kill to become MPs, were they really doing that badly in their practices?



    • #3
      could take a page from his book...
      Peter R


      • #4
        Champagne taste with Pepsi Cola budget....we not right in the head!

        Did they forget that PUBLIC service is mean to be a limited time of giving back and then for a return to whatever paradise they claim they have? I wonder how many were living well the last 4 years and how well the Labarite dem a live now? Steeeups. Its a con game.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willi View Post
          Champagne taste with Pepsi Cola budget....we not right in the head!

          Did they forget that PUBLIC service is mean to be a limited time of giving back and then for a return to whatever paradise they claim they have? I wonder how many were living well the last 4 years and how well the Labarite dem a live now? Steeeups. Its a con game.
          The JLP Minister who ordered the Benz should have know that the JLP was n't going to win the election. May be they do this for each party so that whomever win the election gets the benefit?

          Time to remove the option to buy. Its a conflict of interest!
          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


          • #6
            whoever and whenever! dem treat the public coffers like dem own personal "treadbag"!

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

